Riksförbundet Balans samarbetspartner GAMIAN Europe genomför just nu projektet Comorbidity of Migraine and Mental Health, samsjuklighet mellan migrän och psykisk hälsa.
Projektet riktar sig till kvinnor och syftar till att ta reda på hur kvinnors migränattacker påverkar det vanliga livet och den psykiska hälsan.
Har du erfarenhet får du gärna svara på den enkät som GAMIAN Europe tillsammans med the European Migraine & Headache Alliance gjort.
Så här skriver GAMIAN Europe om enkäten:
This survey is done in collaboration with the European Migraine & Headache Alliance and targets women who experience both migraine attacks and a mental health condition. We are looking at understanding how migraine affects women’s day-to-day life, their mental health, what treatments they may receive and what could improve their situation. The information we collect will be used to write a report and make recommendations to health care services, and policymakers on ways to improve the care and treatment for women with migraine and help promote their mental wellbeing.
This survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous (we do not collect any personal information). You can answer as many questions as you can.